[FREE] Intelius Opt Out Guide

Everything you need to know to remove your information from Intelius in .

We are NOT Intelius nor are we associated with them in any way, shape, or form.

Simple Removal Guide

Every data broker tries to make it confusing to delete your personal information, luckily we outline the steps below!

1. Navigate to the Intelius Privacy Center

To navigate to the intelius privacy center, you can go to https://www.intelius.com/privacy-center.

2. Select "Right To Delete"

There are several options, but the one you want to chose is the right to delete as shown below. intelius right to delete

3. Enter Email

Enter your email in the form as seen below and click "DELETE MY USER DATA". In this example we are using johnsmith@gmail.com: intelius privacy center delete my data
You should see a success message once complete: intelius privacy center right to delete

4. Follow the steps in the email and you're done!

There's a few follow on steps if they have your information. Follow the steps in the email and your information will be successfully removed.

Having Trouble Opting Out?

Intelius has other ways to reach their support. You can either call them at (888) 245-1655 or emailing them at privacy@intelius.com.

Information Intelius may hold about you:

  • Name
  • Aliases
  • Age
  • Location - Current and previous addresses
  • List of possible relatives
  • and more.

Our other opt out guides

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