List of the best sourcing tools for recruiters

All the tools you need to know to find the best candidates in 2025.

Let’s face it, sourcing is one of the most challenging aspects of being a recruiter.
Here are some sourcing tools for recruiters that can help you to find ideal candidates and be more productive:

Online platforms and resume databases

Besides the obvious LinkedIn, you can source many talented people from social networking platforms.

1. Facebook

There are over 2 billion active Facebook users. It is the largest social networking site. Join relevant Facebook groups and reach passive candidates by posting your job ad.

2. Twitter

Twitter has over 330 million monthly active users. Use the right hashtags, keywords, locations on your advanced search. You can even groups guest in private lists.

3. GitHub

GitHub is where 56 million developers host and share their code for open source or personal projects. Technical recruiters can identify tech talent with specific skills by searching GitHub profiles.

4. Dribbble

Dribbble is the "LinkedIn" for designers. With 3.5 million registered users, it is the ideal place to find the portfolios of web designers, graphic designers, illustrators and other creative talents.

5. Behance

Behance, like Dribbble, is a creative network where artists and designers showcase their work. You can source top designers by looking at their skills and portfolios.

6. Meetup

Meetup is an event platform where people can find common interest groups and attend events and meetings. Find promising candidates by looking at the public event attendee lists through an x-ray boolean search.

7. Slack

Slack is a communication and collaboration tool. It is very popular with developers, designers and product managers. Join an online community on Slack where your potential candidate might be.

8. Discord

Discord is a group-chatting platform that is very popular for gamers and developers. Join a public discord server (community) where the prospects might be.

9. is a paid database for searching software engineers.

10. AngelList

AngelList is a free platform where you can find great talent interested in working at a startup.

X-ray boolean search tools

11. Free People Search Tool

Free People Search Tool is a free sourcing tool that makes it easier to locate people with specific roles and skills.

12. Boolean string generators

13. Other People Search Sites

14.Custom Search Engines

Google Custom Search Engines (CSE) allows you to customize the google search by adding additional parameters and refinements. Here are a few ones:

Email finders

Use any of these tools to find candidates' emails instantly:

Other lists of sourcing tools

Here are other greats lists of sourcing tools for recruiting and talent sourcing:

Data removal tools

Here are other greats lists of sourcing tools for recruiting and talent sourcing:

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